Tuesday, November 22, 2016

REVIEW : HEVIDENCE / Nobody’s Fault (2016)

Hevidence is the 'baby' of the Italian guitarist Diego Reali. Diego is well-known as the guitarist of the Progressive/Power Metal superstars DGM. With Reali, DGM released six full-length records and toured in many countries for over ten years.

But Diego, as a musician, wanted to stretch his musical horizons and started writing songs based on his music background.  In 2010, he called his brother Stef Reali (Hijack Party) on drums and Andrea Arcangeli (DGM, NOVERIA, SOLISIA) on bass and started a new band called Evidence, with whom he released “There’s Only Ten Left”, the first album in 2011.

Nowadays, and after some line-up changes, Diego is back with a new album and a new band name (from Evidence to Hevidence). The new opus is entitled "Nobody's Fault" and it's gonna be released through Frontiers Records.

After the first spin, I have to say that this album recalls to the classic metal sound of the late 80's with some neo-classical influences (think early-Yngwie Malmsteen) but also includes a more straight forward melodic hard rock approach that makes the whole result a solid one!!!

For example, the opening tune of "Dig In The Night" is the perfect sample of Hevidence's music. In-your-face, powerful with a melody that sticks in your mind for days. The guitar solo is breathtaking!!! "Nobody's Fault" is a classic hard rock with a big groove in it and "Miracle" is movin' to some heavier, almost power metal, paths. The fast-paced "Overdrive" features a superb chorus line to sing-a-long while in "Out Of This Time" Hevidence delivers a great an' funkier rock track.

All in all, Hevidence with "Nobody's Fault" delivers a solid record all the way. It's a kinda of a bag that includes many musical styles of the hard rock/metal scene, and not only, in general that leaves a sweet taste in my ears. And one last thing; the opening tune of  "Dig In The Night" is KILLER!!! 

Rating : 8/10

Track Listing :
 Dig In The Night; Nobody' Fault; Miracle; So Unkind; Ave Maria; Overdrive; I Want More; Out Of This Time; Pack Your Bags; All I Ever Needed; Note; Dig In The Night (Acoustic - Digital Bonus Track).

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