Thursday, January 20, 2011

Interview with Micke Larsson of Coldspell

Coldspell is one of the hottest new bands around and one of these bands that grabs you with their music and leaves you hungry for more! "Infinite Stargaze" was Coldspell's debut album and it combined the classic hard rock sound of bands such as TNT, Whitesnake, Rainbow e.t.c. with a 'fresh' air. No modern elements, just pure heavy rock music with attitude.

2011,  and Coldspell is about to release their follow-up album called "Out From The Cold" on the 25th of February. These are really exciting news for the fans of this band! Micke Larsson is the guitarist/songwritter of Coldspell. Last year, I had the chance to talk with Micke about their successful debut album and about the band's future plans. It's really a great pleasure  that Micke Larsson is back here in HEAVY PARADISE to talk about Coldspell's new effort and some other interesting things!
HEAVY PARADISE : It's really a great pleasure Micke to have you back here in Heavy Paradise to talk about Coldspell's forthcoming album!

M.L. : Thanks and Im so pleased that you want to talk to me again Vasilhs, I' m honoured.

HEAVY PARADISE : So, Micke, "Out From The Cold" is the title of your new album. Can you tell me some things about this album? How long did it take you to record "Out From The Cold"?

M.L. : The recording was done over a period between 1st of June to late august but I guess I could say that we did work on this album for about 4 weeks.
And before that I was doin this preproductions and arrangements for these songs.We started doin drums and our new drummer Perra nailed every song just like that, I have to say it again - what a drummer! I think we had a really nice time in the studio, did have much time for laughs to :)

HEAVY PARADISE : Which are the main differences between "Infinite Stargaze" and "Out From The Cold" ?

M.L. : Well first of all , its 12 new songs even if some songs and ideas have been around or in my head when we did that "Infinite Stargaze" album and even before that period.
I think our style is the same and the songs are in the same spirit too , but the main difference is probably this new heavier/bigger sound and of course the fact that we have 2 new headbangers in the band means a lot for the sound , band chemistry and everything!
I mean , we recorded at the same studio , Tommy Hansen did the mix job on this one to and Escape is the label for at least one more album, we liked the way we did the last album so it felt great to have the same concept for this one too! :)
HEAVY PARADISE : I have to say that the first single , "Heroes", it's an impressive track! The guitar sound is 'fat' and allow me to say "bigger" than in your debut album! Can you give us a 'taste' of how the other tracks will sound?

M.L. :  Guess you probably already heard them but I think Heroes will tell how the rest will be , crunchy fat guitar sound with huge drums and maybe a bit more catchy than the last album!

HEAVY PARADISE : What's the reaction of your fans so far?

M.L. :  So far so good haha, we had so much great feedback both from fans,musicians and music bussiness people and a whole lot of fantastic comments from US too.

HEAVY PARADISE : I'm sure that you guys are building a big reputation over the Coldspell name in Europe! But how are things in the U.S.? Do you have an audience growing in the States?

M.L. :  Thanks Vasilhs I do hope so to :) , it would be great if this new baby of ours will get us out to tour in Europe first of all. About US - yes I think that this album and this sound will fit US I hope! We seem to get more and more fans from US and we have some people over there doin a fantastiic job to promote us.

HEAVY PARADISE : Once again the artwork rocks! Who is responsible for the front cover?

M.L. : Yes it does for sure, it is totally awesome with that dragontribal thing , I love it! Im so glad that these 2 ColdSpell albums is to artwork masterpieces too. This last album, Eric Phillippe from Belgium is responsible for the artwork :) He has truly made a masterpiece.
HEAVY PARADISE : Is the songwritting is a team work result or do you wrote the majority of the songs?

M.L. :  Yes I write the songs and had some co-writers for the lyrics. My wife is involved in several ones and Niclas did he´s share of writing on two songs. I did have 25 songs for this album that I worked with but this songs seemed to be the right one for this album, but there will be more albums to come :) . Yes and we also have a song from an earlier RAW album, its that song Seven Wonders that I, Anders and 2 others wrote back in the -90´s.

HEAVY PARADISE : Are you planning a tour for promoting "Out From The Cold" ?

M.L. :  We have no plans yet but we are workin on it! Hopefully the right opportunity will appear so I have to get back to you about that after the release of the new album.

HEAVY PARADISE : Tell me the first thing that comes into you mind for these words :

DOUG ALDRICH:   Outstanding
YNGWIE J. MALMSTEEN:   Master of the Stratocaster
RELIGION:   Confusing
LOVE:   My awesome family
HATE:   child abuse
MUSIC:  Cant live without
COLDSPELL:   My Heart and Soul
HEAVY PARADISE : From 2010's releases, are there any that impress you most?

M.L. :  Hmmmm , maybe Pretty Maids "Pandemonium"! Done so many albums and then this piece of high class metal/hard rock album! I could have mentioned a bunch of great artists and bands but that will take the whole night for you to read  haha.

HEAVY PARADISE : At this point, I have to thank you Micke for sharing these things with Heavy Paradise and hopefully to see you someday performing live in Greece!
I wish you every success for 2011!

M.L. :  Thanks Vasilhs and all the best for 2011 for you too, and I have a strong feelin we get to meet in Greece this year when the ColdSpell crusade will come to Greece for some Mythos! :) ,

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