Saturday, April 30, 2011


This is the second release for the US-based melodic rock band LINE OF FIRE. With "Momentum" the band sounds better than before and they are ready to rock our world! After many health and personal issues, these talented guys are back with this really impressive release to show us that melodic hard rock is alive and kickin'

So, what should we expect from this album? The answer is simple; catchy choruses, nice riffs and melodic solos, passionate performances and a solid rhythm section. The influences from the so called 'monster' AOR bands such as Foreigner, Journey and Boston are more than obvious but, also, from some harder bands like Nelson, TNT or even Dokken are obvious too. But even though the guys are heavenly influenced from the above mentioned bands, Line Of Fire put their personal mark too and they achieve to keep their own indentity. "It Takes Time" which opens the album is an extremely melodic and up-tempo track with an amazing riff and Shawn Pelata's incredible vocal duties, which reminds the great Steve Perry! "Obsession" and "Give Me All" are both superb tunes with memorable choruses and very good guitar work while " I Belong" is one of my personal favorite tunes from "Momentum". "The Fire Never Dies" has a catchy chorus and "Undone" delivers some huge vocals from Pelata!

Overall, this is an impressive melodic hard rock release! The fact is that I had a long time to hear something so good. The harmonies are huge, the melodies are plenty, the guitar work is stunning and the vocals simple breathtaking! A must have for every single fan of pure melodic hard rock sound. Well done!HeavyParadise's Rating : 8,5/10

TRACK LIST : 01. It Takes Time, 02. Obsession, 03. Give Me All, 04. I'll Be The One Tonight, 05. I Belong, 06. The Fire Never Dies, 07. I'm Crying For You, 08. In The Stone, 09. Undone, 10. Ghost In Your Heart


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