Thursday, July 21, 2011


This is an excellent second release from OUTLOUD ! Yes, after their huge debut album, the boys are to rock our world for good. "Love Catastrophe" is titled the band's follow-up to their succesfull debut. The album was produced by Bob Katsionis and masterfully mixed and mastered by the mighty Tommy Hansen. Once again the band delivers some excellent and tight melodic heavy rock stuff in the vain of early T.N.T., Bon Jovi and Skid Row without loosing their indentity at all.

The huge melodies here are better than ever, the catchy chorus lines that makes you sing them for days are, also, here and, overall, the band is tighter than ever! Chandler Mogel's voice is on top form and he is singing his heart and soul in this album. The guitar duo of Katsionis and Kash smokes here with their inspired riffs and solos and the rhythm section is solid! The highlights? Every single track here rocks and it's pretty difficult to pick a single tune as my favorite. But, if I had to choose  three, I would say that the ass-kickin' opener tune of "We Came To Rock", the melodic hard rock perfection of "Waiting For Your Love" and the more contemporary tune of "Isolation Game" with its amazing chorus are the tracks that steal the show from "Love Catastrophe".

All in all, this is an excellent release from OUTLOUD. I loved their debut but, imho, this is better. More mature, heavier at moments but with some killer melodies. Well done!

HeavyParadise's Rating : 9/10

TRACK LIST : 01 - We Came To Rock, 02 - Falling Rain, 03 - Live Again, 04 - Waiting For Your Love, 05 - The Night That Never Ends, 06 - Someday, 07 - Underground, 08 - Isolation, 09 - Clean Hands, 10 - Love Catastrophe

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