Thursday, April 21, 2011


This is the brand new album from The Poodles. "Performocracy" is the logical continuance on the last very good album "Clash Of The Elements". I really like this band a lot! Their debut was and still is a classic one in my book and I think in every single fan of European melodic hard rock. Their second one, "Sweet Trade" was a pretty good follow up and the "Clash Of The Elements" was a solid release. The guitarist Pontus Norgren is no more a member of the band and the new kid is Henrik Borgqvist.

What should we expect from "Performocracy"? The answer is simple; guitar driven hard rock with big hooks, melodies and a strong rhythm section. Yes, the new album has all the above but, in my humble opinion, something is missing. I think that this releases lacks of some instant strong songs! And please don't get me wrong, I'm not sayin' that "Performocracy" is a bad one but for sure it's not equal to their huge debut. It took me more than one listening to discover some good enough tunes to make me push the repeat button! The first single is "Cuts Like A Knife" that after an emotional intro with piano develops into a solid, theatrical song in which singer Jakob Samuel shines. A really huge track! "As Time Is Passing" is another highlight here. It's one of the so called power ballads with a strong chorus line and an 80's feeling all over the song! "Your Time Is Now" is a heavy rocker which starts with a 'clever' riff and  Jakob Samuel's powerfull vocals! An excellent tune!! "Bring Back The Night" is groovier but overall a strong track from the new album.

All in all, this is a good album by The Poodles. Not their best but, also, not their worst. It has it's moments. The fact is that I was expecting more from one of my favorite bands! By the way, if you are a fan of this band, this is a must have. For the others that are not familiar to the bamd, I would recommended the debut album....
HeavyParadise's Rating: 7,5/10

TRACK LIST : 01 - I Want It All 02 - Until Our Kingdom Falls 03 - Father To A Son 04 - I Believe In You 05 - Cuts Like A Knife 06 - As Time Is Passing 07 - Love Is All 08 - Your Time Is Now 09 - Action!10 - Bring Back The Night 11 - Vampire's Call 12 - Into The Quiet Night13 - Don’t Tell Me (Bonus Track)

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