Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Interview With Davide 'Dave' Moras Of HELL IN THE CLUB

HELL IN THE CLUB is a big new rock'n'roll band that knocks down from the very first listening, make you want more and more and takes you right into a hellride of fun, power and emotions with a big dose of hard rock! With members of two of the biggest Italian metal bands around: SECRET SPHERE and ELVENKING-  Damna (Elvenking) on vocals, Andrea Buratto (Secret Sphere) on bass, Federico Pennazzato (Secret Sphere) on drums and Andrea Piccardi on the guitar, HELL IN THE CLUB will distress you, they'll make you dance, sing and bang your heads with their songs and their amazing live shows...rock'n'roll is the keyword!!
"Let The Games Begin" is the debut album of this hard rockin' band and, as I said, it will grab you with its high energy Rock N ' Roll feeling, the loud guitars and the 80's feeling. Dave is the lead singer of the band and I had the pleasure to talk with him about the debut album, the Italian music scene and some other cool stuff....enjoy and RAISE SOME HELL!!!!

heavy paradise: Hello Dave, I would like to welcome you here in Heavy Paradise for this interview! Firstly, I would like to congatulate you for the "Let The Games Begin" album! It really rocked my world!

Dave : Thanx so much! I’m very glad you liked the album!! We’ve been overwhelmed by good words and opinions on “Let the games begin” and we’re really happy about it! We’ve made this album with our hearts and it’s amazing when the reactions go beyond your expectations! Yeah! :-)

heavy paradise: So Dave, do you want to give our readers a bio about your band?

Dave : Actually HELL IN THE CLUB was born thanx to Andy who wanted to put up a band like this since years but he never found the right people. Fortunately he found in Picco the right guitar player and started to rehearse some of the songs he wrote during these years. Straight after that, his band Secret Sphere and my band Elvenking played together one night and there we met. We had a small chat and some days later I received a mail where he offered me to join him, Picco and Fede. After I listened to the first demos I knew this was the right band for me! I love this kind of music – grew up with it - and to have a band like this was one of my dreams…the kind of things you put in the drawer called “things I wanna do before I die” ! And finally, here we are!

heavy paradise: As I said, your debut album really made a big impact in the hard rock scene! I asume that you already have read all the reviews all over the net. How do you feel about that?

Dave : As I told you we are really happy about the reactions we had so far. Both the fans and the press are enthusiastic about our cd and this is only giving more strength to a band that was already meant to be serious and not just a side project. We will work on HELL IN THE CLUB as much as we can and we will deliver a second killer album for sure! We can’t wait!!!
heavy paradise: How do you describe the sound of Hell In The Club? Is it sleaze, hair metal or just hard rock? Do you accept the music labels?

Dave : HELL IN THE CLUB is a rock’n’roll band. Call it sleaze, hair, heavy, metal, hard rock….whatever! Our sound has a lot of different shades and influences I wouldn’t know how to call it. It’s just a son of the big mother called “ROCK’N’ROLL” …I’ll leave to the press the joy to give it a name :-)

heavy paradise: You come from Italy, a country that over the last years released some very good hard rock albums. How do you see the music scene in your country?

Dave : It’s still very hard to see good Italian bands emerge from the underground mainly because the fans here aren’t very supportive towards the local bands. It’s a bit different if you see other countries like Sweden, Finland, Germany, etc. But things are slowly getting better!

heavy paradise : "On The Road" is the band's first video clip. An awesome tune from your debut! How so and you decided to pick up this song for a video shot? Is this the band's favorite track?

Dave : We all thought it had the right hook and the right mood for being the first “manifesto” of HELL IN THE CLUB! It has this 80’s vibe and all those catchy was perfect! These days we are talking about the new video…so there’s gonna be another one! And maybe also a third one!!!

heavy paradise : Avenue Of Allies has offered some great releases over the last year and it seems that, also, in 2011 has a lot to offer. Are you satisfied with your collaboration with this record label?

Dave : Yeah Avenue is releasing our album in the greatest part of Europe and we are happy about this. We have a very good communication and I think this is one of the main things when you work together.

heavy paradise : Do you think that it's a bit tough for a new band to get a good record deal nowadays?

Dave : Of course it is. Sales have never been so bad in the music industry thanks to mp3’s and internet so it’s pretty understandable if record companies don’t sign bands so easily.
heavy paradise : Which are your influences Dave?

Dave : Personally I listen to a lot of music and I like it as long as it’s cool and communicates me emotions or feelings. I listen to pop, rock, metal, punk..whatever! I must admit that the things I love the most come from when I was a kid..the big classics I grew up with…bands like Kiss, Maiden, Guns n’Roses, Aerosmith, Motley Crue, Skid Row, etc. but I listen to Michael Jackson, Madonna, John Lennon, The Rolling Stones, Lady Gaga, Avril lAvigne, Green Day, Elvis presely, Johnny Cash, and so on… when it comes to music there are no boundaries!! :-) Talking about HELL IN THE CLUB we are all influenced by the great RNR bands of the past but we also follow the modern rock scene and we love bands like Backyard Babies, Hardcore Superstar, Papa Roach, Hinder, etc.

heavy paradise : How do you see the melodic hard rock scene nowadays? Do you think that this scene is still alive n' kickin' ?

Dave : I think we are finally living in an era where hard rock bands have a lot fans. It’s not going to be like in the 80’s…but after a big negative period we can finally breathe and realize that there are a lot of great bands around!! This is also underlined when you see arenas full of people when the old bands play live! I recently saw Kiss, AC/DC, Aerosmith and it was always crowded!! This is the way we like it! :-)

heavy paradise : What are your future plans?

Dave : Actually we want to tour as much as we can and shoot some new videos for songs taken from “LET THE GAMES BEGIN”! Then we will think about the second album and we will think how to raise HELL IN THE CLUB to the next level! There will be some good surprises!! ;-)

heavy paradise : At this point, I would like to thank you for accepting my invitation for this interview. I wish you all the best, Dave, and I hope that someday Hell In The Club will perform in Greece!!!

Dave : Thank you very much for the interview! We really hope we can tour Greece one day!!! ROCK’N’ROLL!!!!

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