Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Teenage Casket Company is a Rock N' Roll band with attitude! Big and loud guitars, catchy choruses and great melodies! Rob Wylde is the lead singer, guitarist but, also, the main songwritter. He is also involved with the band SINS OF AMERICA as well as the guitarist for the Glam legend Steevi Jaimz. Below you are going to read a very interesting interview that Rob gave to Heavy Paradise and talked about Teenage Casket Company, Steevi Jaimz and other interesting things. Enjoy.....
heavy paradise :Hello Rob, I would like to welcome you here in Heavy Paradise for this interview!

Wylde : Hey man, thanks for having me!

heavy paradise : Firstly, do you want to tell our readers some things about Teenage Casket Company?

Wylde : I formed Teenage Casket Company back in November of 2003, so we've been around for a while. So far we've released 2 albums. "Dial It Up" in 2005 and "Eat Your Heart Out" in 2006 which featured the single/ video for the song "Don't Look At Me Like That". Both albums received glowing reviews all over the world which enabled us to tour extensively throughout the UK, Europe and the USA. After working solidly for 4 years, we took a break in late 2007 which led us to all persue our own individual projects for a while.
In late 2009 we returned with a limited edition single, and now here in 2011 we're back for good with a compilation album due to be released very soon. We're also gearing up to head into the studio next month to start work on what will be our 3rd full length album which will be out later this year.

heavy paradise : Is the songwriting in Teenage Casket Company your responsibility or is it a team result?

Wylde : No I'm the sole songwriter in TCC. It's been that way since the beginning and it just works best that way. Having said that, when I bring in the completed songs, everyone has a say in the final arrangement.
heavy paradise : I really hadn't the chance to hear something from Teenage Casket Company till' now! I have to say that I'm impressed of what I've heard! How do you describe the sound of Teenage Casket Company?

Wylde : With TCC, it's always been about great melodies, huge chorus' and tons of catchy hooks. Even thought we all kinda grew up listening to different types of music we all share a common love for commercial hooky Pop Rock/ Powerpop. Everything we write, we write with the vision of it being a hit single on the radio.

heavy paradise : So, you are about to release your brand new album this spring! Are there any differences between this one and your previous albums?

Wylde : Well the album we're about to release "Best Kept Secret" is an 11 track compilation CD. It features the best songs from our first 2 albums, plus a rare single we released a while ago called "Best Friend Is My Radio".
The whole album has been remixed, remastered and repackaged with liner notes from Derric Miller who writes for the Hardrockhaven website. It's going to be released on the American label Jamsync with whom we signed with last year. We see it as a perfect way to end chapter 1 of the band and begin chapter 2.
heavy paradise : I saw that you have a contract with Jamsync Records. How difficult is for a band to get a good record contract nowadays?

Wylde : To be honest it's virtually impossible. The music business was in a dire state back when we formed back in late 2003 and it's sad to say but it's gradually gotten worse and worse year after year. All any band can really hope for these days is a decent distribution deal whereby you provide the label with a finished, completed album and they get it out there in the stores etc.
But even then you're up against it because no-one really goes out and actually buys albums these days, so it's tough all round and isn't getting any easier. The fact that HUGE bands such as Journey and Bon Jovi are now having to release albums on Independent labels pretty much says it all!

heavy paradise : You are also a member of the U.S. band Sins Of America but, also, you are playing guitar with the legendary Steevi Jaimz! You are a busy man!! How do you handle all these things Rob?

Wylde : Ha ha good question! Back in late 2007 TCC decided to take some time out as we'd been writing, recording and touring non stop for 4 years solid and we were all pretty burned out! We all started working on new projects which led me to move to the USA for 3 years and form the band Sins Of America. We released an album to great reviews and played over 100 shows over in the States. It was a great time and I definately got to live out my version of the American dream ha ha!
In between doing Sins Of America, I would occasionally come back to the UK to visit for a couple of months at a time which enabled me to continue touring, writing and recording with TCC when time permitted. On one such visit back in the summer of 2009, Steevi Jaimz got in touch and asked me if I'd be interested in playing guitar in his touring band. I jumped at the chance as I've always been a fan of Steevi's work and loved his album "My Private Hell" at the time. I learnt the songs, rehearsed in London and got to play a couple of really great shows in Sweden and Denmark where the whole band was treated like kings, it was awesome and a great experience!
On top of all that I've also recently joined a band called Vega who are signed to Frontiers Records as Bass player. We have a ton of shows lined up in the UK and Europe, so like you said I'm a pretty busy guy these days. The only way I handle it is to make sure I take my diary with everywhere I go.....this way I don't end up double booking myself ha ha!!!!
heavy paradise : Recently I've interviewed Steevi Jaimz, a really cool guy. How do you feel that you are playin' with a legend like Steevi?

Wylde : Like I said, I've always been a big fan of Steevi's dating back to the first Tigertailz album which I absolutely loved when I was growing up so it was a real honour to play in his band. Steevi is also a really great guy to be around and to work with and I really hope to do some more stuff with him at some point in the future.

heavy paradise : What are your influences Rob?

Wylde : Geez there are so many! Buy off the top of my head I'd say Def Leppard, Kiss, Bon Jovi, Cheap Trick, Danger Danger, Rick Springfield....the list goes on and on. I just love great melodies, guitars and huge chorus', simple as that!

heavy paradise : From the new 'blood' is there any band that impressed you most?

Wylde : I listen to a lot of new bands. Right now I'm loving a band called Boys Like Girls who play a similar style of music to TCC. Super melodic Pop Rock. I also love Bad City, The Click Five, The Veronica's, All Time Low, Metro Station, Crazy Lixx, Faber Drive. Basically anything that's commercial with huge hooks and guitars.

heavy paradise : Are you going to perform live in the near future?

Wylde : Yeah I have a ton of stuff coming up. I'm going to be playing in London with Vega on March 4th at The Boarderline. Then I play the Hard Rock Hell festival with those guys out in Ibiza in June. Followed by the S.O.S festival in Manchester in July and Firefest 2011 in Nottingham with Warrant in October.
There's also going to be a bunch more shows in Europe which should be announed pretty soon with Vega. I'm also going to be out on the road with TCC this Spring/ Summer. First up we have a mini 3 date UK tour coming up in May followed by a longer tour in June/ July with our Jamsync label mates. Dates are being added all the time with all the bands I'm playing in, so make sure you visit the websites for all the up to date info.
heavy paradise : Do you want to send a message to your fans?

Wylde : I just want to say thanks so much for your support. In this day and age, with the music business the way it is, your support means more than ever. So please make sure you buy the CD's and come out to see the shows so that I/ we can keep the dream alive!

heavy paradise : I would like to thank you for this interview Rob and wish you all the best, man!

Wylde : Thanks man, peace.

You can check out the following sites for all the up to date info:

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