Sunday, October 3, 2010

Dogface / Unleashed (2000)

This is a solid hard rock cd! From the very first song of "Unleashed" you know what to expect, an ass-kickin' heavy rock album full of big soaring vocals, catchy choruses and some huge guitar work!

Dogface was a band created by the very talented guitarist and song-writter Martin Kronlund. With the addition of the mighty Mats Leven as the lead shouter and Stefan Egeman on bass, Anders Skoog, Patrik Engelbrektsson on drums and Brian Robertson on guitars, Dogface released their debut album which was titled "Unleashed" !!
The fact is that in this album Mats Leven is sounding better than ever! Ok, we all respect and know how skilled this musician is. Albums like the Treat's self titled and Yngwie Malmsteen's 'Facing The Animal' can proove that. His voice is something like a 'trademark' in this gerne. Above's Mats Leven vocals I have to admit that here are some top class songwritting but also some very strong production as well.
'Right Between Your Lies' seems like the perfect start for this album. A double kick drum is hammering while Leven voice is more aggressive than ever. 'Don't' find's the band really pissed off while 'I Don't Care' is  a darker tune with some really passionate vocals by Mats Leven. 'Rule the Night', 'A Single Reason' and 'Set Me Free' are all great rockers. 'Let It Out' is simple sensational with a big bluesy feeling in it!
All in all this is a huge release and a must buy for every fan of hard rock out there!!!!
HeavyParadise's Rating: 9/10

1. Right Between Your Lies 2. Don't 3. I Don't Care 4. I Will Be There5. A Single Reason  6. Rule the Night 7. You're Taken Me Down 8. Let It Out 9. Spit It Out 10. Set Me Free 11. Suicide

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