Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Nasty Idols.....news!

Sweden sleaze heroes Nasty Idols have started to record parts of their new studio album at different locations in the U.S.  As Andy Pierce said in their website : "We're recording the vocals on mobile studio equipment while traveling around in California. We want the inspiration from the places we visit. We can record anywhere we chose. After the last album we still had many ideas. We statred with new material almost right away and decided to start record as soon as we had some working tracks. We also use studio techniques letting us record anywhere we want. So, this time we're in L.A. next time we might record in China!! In fact we wrote a new song called 'Kalifornia' after going on this weird Hollywood ride were visited all the famous murder sites in L.A.. This album is so powerfull that it decide itself when it's ready to be released."

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