Tuesday, December 15, 2009

W.A.S.P. / Babylon (2009)

Blackie Lawless and his gang are back with a great record."Babylon" is the brand new album from this metal legend band. Once again in the record we find dynamic melodies and big choruses, driving edged guitars and, perhaps most importantly, Blackie Lawless' trademark vocal stylings.There are a lot of highlights on this CD, including "Live to Die to Die Another Day" and the irresistible "Babylon's Burning." .Also the cover of Deep Purple's classic "Burn" tune kicks some serious asses, with Blackie's voice delivering a great performance.Also great songs are  "Into the Fire" and one more cover song  "Promised Land"(Cover: Chuck Berry). A solid record. 8/10
 Tracks 1. Crazy 2. Live to Die Another Day  3. Babylon's Burning 4. Burn  5. Into the Fire 6. Thunder Red 7. Seas of Fire 8. Godless Run 9. Promised Land

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