Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Message from HeavyParadise

 Hi !

This year is passing by and for me, and I think for U too, 2009 brought us many great releases.From the fantastic "back to the roots" comeback album from Danger Danger, the excellent "Karma" by Winger, the new project (hopefully band) W.E.T. from Jeff Scott Soto and the more bluesy based new Lynch Mob album "Smoke And Mirrors".Also Hardline's new effort may not be a new "double eclipse" but it is a great more mature hard rock record. The new Sunstorm-"House of Dreams",with Joe Lynn Turner, and Place Vendome-"Streets Of Fire" albums are two more of this year's highlights, solid Euro melodic rock!
Steevi Jaimz( ex-Tigertailz) with his solo "My Private Hell" album gave us a fantastic sleaze heavy album, the perfect mix of the glory 80's with the best elements of the 00's.
Also the EONIAN records served some forgotten jewels from the past, mainly from the L.A.glam/hair metal scene.Some of these release were good but some very average.
For me the best newcomers are Dynazty with a fantastic sleaze/heavy rock album and Firenote  a very promissing band,and of course Outloud . Other 2009 highlights are the new Europe album, an album with some great 70's and blues elements , Fair Warning's "Aura" , House Of Lords "Cartesian Dreams" both very good releases.
The new Bon Jovi effort a very enjoyable rock album with a couple of great tracks! Stryper is back with a strong comeback album,Killing Touch (feat.Michele Luppi), Dream Theater,Grand Design (a new melodic rock band),Los Angeles (Michele Luppi on vocals) with their second absolutely amazing effort "Neverland", Freak Kitchen, Riverside, the new heavier Jaded Heart's album (I have to admit that I like it even if it's not with M. Bormann ).
If I have to continue with this year's albums....it's gonna take all day! So the point is that 2009 was a very productively year for melodic rock/AOR/Heavy/Prog/Rock/Hard Rock.
Also I want to thank all of you that have visited HeavyParadise. Thanx for your support!

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