Saturday, February 19, 2011


Swiss band Appearance of Nothing was founded 2004 by Pat Gerber (Vocals/Guitar), Yves Lüthi (Drums), Omar Cuna (Bass) and Marc Petralito (Keys). After a short experimental period the band began to write their own songs. Since then Pat and Omar both share the part as lead singers which adds additional variety to the songs. In 2008 "WASTED TIME" was released and the band engaged Markus Teske as a producer who worked together with famous bands such as Vanden Plas and Symphony X.

So, finally I got the band's new effort, "All Gods Are Gone", in my hands and I have to say that I'm pleased of what I'm hearing! And when Marc Petralito (keys) in his interview with Heavy Paradise last year said : "Compared to the previous album it'll sound more aggressive and a bit tighter. I mean there's still a lot of melodies but the parts seem to fit more together" he was more than right! The new album is heavier in some parts without loosing its melody. It's a well-played progressive metal album with some influences from Dream Theater, Symphony X e.t.c., but the guys in Appearance Of Nothing have achieved to keep their own indendity. Even if I'm not a big fan of this gerne, this album works fine in me from the very first listening! Highlights here are the amazing, nine minute long, tune of "Sweet Enemy" in which Devon Graves (Psychotic Waltz) is doing the lead vocals, "Destination" and the aggressive opening track, "The Mirror's Eyes".

Overall this is an interesting album with some really impressive tracks. I like the combination of heavy metal with some prog. elements but, also, some modern elements as well. Well done!
HeavyParadise's Rating : 7,5 / 10

TRACK LIST : 1. The Mirror’s Eyes, 2. 2nd God, 3. Sweet Enemy, 4. Destination, 5. The Call Of Eve, 6. … I Said Silence, 7. The Rise And Fall Of Nothing

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