Wednesday, December 1, 2010

EDEN / Into The Within (2010)

EDEN is band consisted of  Nick Workman (ex KICK) and Vince O'Regan (BOB CATLEY). The sound of the album is pure U.S. based hard rock style with a strong dose of some Britt sound in it! The very talented duo of these musicians are offering a solid album with some pretty good tracks in it. "Into The Within" sees the band influenced by a heavier Led Zeppelin, Dream Theater, TEN, Kick but also some more commercial classic groups.

The thing that confuse the feelings of the listener here is that there are a lot of mix of varied styles (influences). Overall there are some really good tunes here like  "Fire Me Up", "Once In A Lifetime" , "Here Today (Gone Tomorrow)" and "Anything Goes" which are tryin' to 'push' this band to a higher level but as I said earlier the mix of a lot of influences and a couple of average tracks are keeping this album somewhere in the middle!
HeavyParadise's Rating: 7/10
01 - Anything Goes 02 - Revolution Man 03 - Into The Within 04 - Here Today (Gone Tomorrow) 05 - Strong 06 - Lay Me Down 07 - All That's Bad For Me 08 - Once In A Lifetime 09 - Your Symphony 10 - Fire Me Up 11 - Loud & Clear

1 comment:

  1. There are 4 extra tracks on my CD. Can't find song titles on the net but one is obviously "Whole Lotta Love". Any info?
