Wednesday, January 13, 2010

White Lion / Return Of The Pride (2007)

I grew up with bands like Motley Crue, Skid Row, Cinderella, W.A.S.P.,Danger Danger and White Lion. "Pride" and "Main Attraction" are both favourite albums for me, from White Lion and it was sad that after the "Main Attraction" album the band split, but hey, thats life.

So I had high expectations about this release, even without the other songwritter/guitarist and founding member Vitto Bratta. Also I have to admit that I never liked the solo releases from Mike Tramp, except his very good debut album "Capricorn". A really good rockin' album!

When I got this album in my hands, I realized one thing..this is not White Lion!!! Ok, Tramp's voice is the only thing that reminds White Lion's glory days. Musicaly is better than his solo releases, thanx God, with some strong enough tracks like "Dream" which is like a lost track from "Main Attraction" album, "Set Me Free " and "Finally See The Light " ,both with melodic and catchy chorus lines. The thing that I really missed from this release is the Vito Bratta's unique guitar sound. And I'm not sayin' that the new guitar player is not good, but Bratta had the extra something to take a song to a higher level. That's all.

All in all this new White Lion is an ok album, nothing breathtakin' here, for me. 
HeavyParadise's Rating : 6/10
Track Listing

1.Sangre de Cristo, 2.Dream , 3.Live Your Life, 4.Set Me Free,  5.I Will  Battle at Little Big Horn, 6.Never Let You Go , 7.Gonna Do It My Way, 8.Finally See The Light,  9.Let Me Be Me, 10.Take Me Home

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