Saturday, June 10, 2023

REVIEW : STARDUST, Kingdom Of Illusion (Frontiers Music s.r.l. Release: 16 June 2023)

Hungary's melodic rocker Stardust are ready to unleash their brand new opus entitled "Kingdom Of Illusion". The new effort is going to be released this June through the Italian label of Frontiers Music

Having already released a damn superb debut opus, "Highway To Heartbreak", in October 2020, Stardust is back again with album number two. "Kingdom Of Illusion" continues where the debut stopped but with more energy, more power and more attitude. It is a bit heavier than the debut regarding the guitars and the overall sound. The 'punchier' sound fits perfectly to the final result and at the end of the day makes "Kingdom Of Illusion" a fantastic and very enjoyable listening. 

The first big moment comes with the track "The Fire"; an absolute gem of a track that combines both power and melody that with its really huge chorus line rockets the final result is high!! A true highlight. More classic and late 80's AOR sound in "Losing Me" while with "Sacrifice" we have yet another winner out of the new album. A more up-beat tempo with some killer harmonic lines included. "Love Sells" is again an up-tempo and heavier track that will grab your attention at once while in "Heroes" Stardust nailed it!!!! "Heroes" is just pure melodic hard rock bliss, period!! 

STARDUST with their brand new "Kingdom Of Illusion" achieve to release a true killer album all the way! A record full of high-energetic tracks, tons of melodies, edgy guitars and passionate performances! KILLER! 

Songwritting : 9
Production : 9
Songs : 9 
Musicianship : 9

Overall Rating : 9 / 10 

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