Wild Rose is one of the most promising AOR bands of Greece and for sure a big hope for the European melodic rock scene. With their debut album, "Half Past Midnight", achieved to create a solid album full of nice melodies, catchy choruses and really nice guitar work.
Nowadays, the band is back with its second release "Dangerous" and they are aiming for some bigger things! The mastermind behind Wild Rose is the very talented guitarist and songwriter Andy Rock. He is also responsible for a solid solo record last year.
Andy talked to Heavy Paradise about Wild Rose, his solo stuff but also some other cool things. Enjoy!!
Andy :No ,as long Wild Rose have not a sixth member in the band!!
Heavy Paradise : Are you going to perform live in the near future to promote your new album?
Heavy Paradise : Thanx a lot for accepting my invitation for this interview, all the best !!!
Nowadays, the band is back with its second release "Dangerous" and they are aiming for some bigger things! The mastermind behind Wild Rose is the very talented guitarist and songwriter Andy Rock. He is also responsible for a solid solo record last year.
Andy talked to Heavy Paradise about Wild Rose, his solo stuff but also some other cool things. Enjoy!!
Heavy Paradise : Hi, Andy, and welcome to Heavy Paradise for this
interview! Firstly, I would like to congratulate you for your brilliant second
album with Wild Rose, “Dangerous”. You, guys, achieved to release another great
effort after your solid debut! The reviews from all over the net are amazing!
Are you satisfied so far by the result of “Dangerous” ?
Andy : Thank You Very much for you kind words...Yes we are very satisfied with the
result of our new job cause we gave our best to make it happen!!!
Heavy Paradise : A new singer, David A. Saylor, on board and I have to say
that he did an excellent job regarding the vocals! Do you want to tell us what
went wrong with your first singer and how did you get in contact with David
Andy : David is a great singer with a voice that feets perfectly in our songs ,we
were so lucky that we found him available to write the vocals for
''Dangerous''!! We had a lot of problems with the previous singer that cost us
as band from the very start ..Thank God now is everything alright..I found David
through the social media I've sent him the songs and that's it!!
Heavy Paradise : So Andy, David A. Saylor will he continue to be your future singer or was he the ‘one record man’ ?
Heavy Paradise : So Andy, David A. Saylor will he continue to be your future singer or was he the ‘one record man’ ?
Andy : We made a conversation with David about being the frontman of the band but
unfortunely he wants to work as sessionist with us!!So, that means yes he was
'one record man'..The band is aiming to look for a main singer this time
Heavy Paradise : I have to say that “Dangerous” impressed me with its pure
and classic AOR sound. You guys achieved to bring the classic 80’s melodic rock
sound with no new or modern elements in it! Who is responsible for the melodies
and lyrics in Wild Rose Andy?
Andy : We play music with a lot inspiration of the 80's and you can see that in our
songs,for some people it's bad, for some others it's perfect..Sorry but that is
what we gonna do to play classic melodic rock 80's style.. Most of the songs and
melodies are mine but also Dirty has helped a lot!!
Heavy Paradise : How difficult is to be a musician of this particular scene
in Greece? Do you believe that the Greek melodic rock / AOR scene has a
Andy : Here in Hellas there is no scene in Melodic Rock music,that's bad for our
country!! But I think there is a future for our music because lots of people seem to
be interested in the last years for AOR ..At least I hope everything to go well
for our music!
Heavy Paradise : A record deal with AOR Heaven seems to be a good deal. How
did you get in contact with this label? Did you try to reach Frontiers?
Andy : Yes a bigger label is always better and we wanna thank AOR Heaven for this opportunity ,for believing in us !!We tried to reach Frontiers but nothing
Heavy Paradise : Your solo record was a very good one. In my humble
opinion, all the songs of your solo could easily appear in Wild Rose’s debut or
even this new one. Do you plan to release a new solo album in the near
Andy : Thank you ,well I have in mind for a second solo album but its too
early!!I'll see in the future
Heavy Paradise : Are you planning to release a video-clip from
Andy :No ,as long Wild Rose have not a sixth member in the band!!
Heavy Paradise : What are your major influences, Andy?
Andy : First of all it's the music that I listen to so many years now,the place
that I'm leaving and of course my family!
Heavy Paradise : Are you going to perform live in the near future to promote your new album?
Andy : It's something that we talk about at this moment with the rest of the
band!!We will see!!Nothing's for sure!
Andy : Music and more music from us!!We've already writting material for our third
Heavy Paradise : Thanx a lot for accepting my invitation for this interview, all the best !!!
Andy : Thank you !!All the best to you and to Heavy Paradise too!

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