Saturday, January 30, 2010

Warrant / Dog Eat Dog (1992)

1992 and this time the band showing a more heavy edged sound, the glam outfit is now gone, having given way to leather and tatoos and the songwriting is more mature.This effort has nothing to do with their first debut album or their second huge "Cherry Pie". You can't find some instant hits here but for sure you can find some serious ass-kickin' hard rock anthems such as the heavy opener " Machine Gun " ,the fantastic "Bonfire" and "All My Bridges are Burning" both very energetic with catchy choruses.Other highlights are "The Hole in My Wall" which  is dark and heavy and "Quicksand" which is probably one of the best songs that this band has ever recorded!A must have! 9/10

1. Machine Gun 2. The Hole in the Wall 3. April 2031 4. Andy Warhol was Right 5. Bonfire 6. The Bitter Pill 7. Hollywood (So Far, So Good) 8. All My Bridges are Burning 9. Quicksand 10. Let It Rain 11. Inside Out 12. Sad Theresa

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