Saturday, January 30, 2010

Goodbye Thrill / Goodbye Thrill (2007)

Pretty good melodic hard rock effort in the vain of Firehouse and Def Leppard. Lead singer Marc Ferreira has a strong and smooth voice and the guitar work from Dean Cramer (Funny Money ) is overall very good with some crunchy sound and melodic riffs & solos! Also in this band we find the bassist of Firehouse Dario Seixas. Overall this self titled debut album from Goodbye Thrill is a very enjoyable record. For fans of Def Leppard and Firehouse....7/10
Track Listing

· Super Perfect World · Ticket To Paradise· Rainy Days · Give You Away · Let Me Sleep· Dead To Me · Fallen Heroes · It's Got To Be· Leap Of Faith· Taste· Hungry

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