Thursday, December 31, 2009

Pleasure Maker / Twisted Desire (2008)

Another one release that sounds like has been released in middle of the 80s. This Brazilian hard rock band delivers a fine piece of melodic hard rock record. C. Marshall is the lead vocalist of Pleasure Maker and he is doing an excellent job with his strong and melodic voice. Alex Meister is the great protagonist of Pleasure Maker with his amazing guitar work.The only low point of the record is the poor production. The music as I said is pure 80's melodic hard rock with catchy choruses,great hooks and some great solos/riffs.
So this album is highly recommended for fans of Bon Jovi/Danger Danger/Van Halen/Damn Yankees/80's melodic rock. Great job! 8/10
Tracks 1. Come N' Get It 2. Feel it This Time 3. Twisted Desire 4. What We Left Behind 5. Is There a Doctor in The House 6. Remember 7. Chance of a Lifetime 8. Hurts Me, Hurts You 9. Eden's Fruit
10. Do Your Revolution

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