Saturday, February 7, 2015

REVIEW : DE LA MUERTE / De La Muerte (2015)

De La Muerte is a new powerful heavy rock band charmed by the Mexican "Nuestra Señora de la Santa Muerte" cult, which inspired each of the 10 "damned stories" contained in their groundbreaking debut album. ‘De la Muerte’ was recorded by Simone Mularoni (DGM) and Simone Bertozzi (Mnemic) at Domination Studio in San Marino, Italy. It was also produced, mixed and mastered by Simone Mularoni.

So, in this debut album you are gonna be hit by a really breathtaking and punchy hard 'n' heavy dynamite that will blow you away! Yes, "De La Muerte" is that good; it's heavy to the bone, it has attitude, it includes some really killer tunes, a huge guitar work and all the performances are solid. If you like Adrenaline Mob then De La Muerte's debut is YOUR album.

"Fallen Angel" and "Silver Bullet" are both perfect samples of pure, ass-kickin' and with lots of attitude modern heavy rock stuff!Powerful with a guitar-driven sound that Adrenaline Mob would envy about! Tasty!! "Die 'n' Roll" is a fast 'n furious 80's hard rock anthem while in "I'm Not A legend" there are some 'Southern' pinches and a kinda of B-Side movie vibe that makes this song another highlight. "Secret Witness" features a bad-ass groove in it that gives me cold chills!!

Amazing debut album that grabbed me at once and left me hungry for more. De La Muerte is the biggest surprise of 2015, so far, and with their self title album achieve to release a great and ass-kickin' modern hard 'n' heavy gem!

Rating : 9,2 / 10

Track Listing : Tequila Funeral, Fallen Angel, Silver Bullet, Desaperacido Die'n'Roll, I'm Not A legend, Secret Witness, Malaguegna Salerosa, I'm Alive, Sorrow.

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