Sunday, January 10, 2010

Every Mother's Nightmare/ st (1990)

A must have album for every hair metal fan! This album rockz!Great heavy rock effort with some bluesy / southern touches and excellent guitar work. This album was the debut for this band from Nashville ,Tennessee . Vocalist Rick Ruhl , guitarist Steve Malone bassist Mark McMurty, and drummer Jim Phipps, completed the lineup. Some great tracks here like "Long Haired Country Boy" ,"Hard to Hold ", "Dues to Pay " and the huge ballad "Love Can Make You Blind" makes you push the repeat button again and again. EMN could be huge but as so many bands of that time they were swallowed up in the even-larger signing frenzy of grunge. Buy it!!!! 9/10
1. Hard to Hold 2. EZ Come EZ Go 3. Bad on Love 4. Walls Come Down 5. Love Can Make You Blind
6. Listen Up 7. Dues to Pay 8. Long Haired Country Boy 9. Lord Willin' 10. Nobody Knows

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