Thursday, March 3, 2011


Robin Beck is without doubt one of the best female perormers in the rock world. She topped the singles chart in the UK in 1988, and Germany in 1989 with her single "First Time", which was use in the Coca-Cola commercial. Her album "Trouble Or Nothin'" was produced by Desmond Child and featured songs by Child, Diane Warren, Holly KnightTom Kelly and Billy Steinberg.
Robin Beck is married to James Christian of the hard rock band House of Lords since 1996. They have a daughter together, Olivia. This year, Beck has released her new effort titled "The Great Escape". It's a great pleasure that R. Beck is here in Heavy Paradise to talk about her new amazing album, the early years, her influences but, also, some great news about James Christian's main band House Of Lords.
heavy paradise : Hello Robin, I would like to welcome you here in Heavy Paradise for this interview!

Robin : Hi :-)

heavy paradise : Firstly, I have to say that I'm really impressed of how good your new album is! As you have seen, the reviews are great all over the net. How do you feel about that?

Robin : I'm very happy that everyone loves it!

heavy paradise : As I said your new album rocks! James Christian and Tommy Denander did an excellent job. How was the collaboration with Tommy Denander?

Robin : Tommy and I are writing partners along with James Christian. We all do something to make the songs come to life. Tommy writes the music, I write the lyrics and Melodies and James Produces and also writes with me on some of the melodies and lyrics.

heavy paradise : From the new album, which are the tracks that you love the most?

Robin : "The One", Everything Is Alright" Don't Think He's Ever Coming Home", "Inside Me",  The Great Escape", "That All Depends" .. Man I love them all!

heavy paradise : Let me take you back to 1989. "Trouble Or Nothing" was a major success back then and probably one of the best melodic rock albums that time. What are the things that you remember from that so successful era?

Robin : I remember how much fun it was and how many great artists were about at that time.  I was doing so much promotion and traveling that it's all kind of a blur now, but I have lots of great memories of Living in the UK and writing for the album with Desmond and Diane Warren and the others.  Traveling from one awards show to another.. it was just a trip!
heavy paradise : Back then was MTV and radio stations, nowadays is internet and downloading! How do you see the whole situation with the illegal downloading?

Robin : I think it's a shame that we can not control where the music is and how people get it. It's the only way an artist like myself can make an honest living. I feel that people who share the music knowing that they are downloading it illegally should be ashamed. How would they like it if we artists found a way into their bank accounts or pay checks and shaved off a big chunk?
I love to share my music.. but when it's without care it's nothing short of copyright abuse.

heavy paradise : If you had the chance to change a thing from your past, which would that be and why?

Robin : I only regret that I didn't tour more.  That I let the band disband and did more studio work than live.  If I had continued with the live it would not be so difficult to get back out there now without sponsorships......

heavy paradise : James Christian is one of the best performers but, also, your husband. How is the collaboration between you two when you are recording an album?

Robin :  We work pretty well together.  He's a perfectionist and I am too.  So we both want the same thing.  This makes it easy :-)

 heavy paradise : I have noticed that also your daughter Olivia participates in the new album. Would you like to tell me some things about that? If I'm right she already had released a solo album?

Robin : Olivia is a rising star at 13.  She has recorded but not released her album as of yet.  She's kind of young and still growing musically.  She wants to write all her own material now so we have to deal with the fact that she is an artist with her own set of rules.  Her voice is a hybrid of mine and James'- She's got my range, tone and power and James soul, rhythm and can play guitar now.. can't beat that! 

heavy paradise : Tell me the first thing that comes in your mind for these words :


LIES: Fool me once but you won't fool me twice!
LOVE: The only thing that matters
LIFE: Is how you live it
THE GREAT ESCAPE: The best album of my life!

heavy paradise : Do you remember which was the first album that you have bought and the first concert that you have gone?

Robin :  ...Crosby, Stills, Nash, Young, Taylor and Reeves "DEJA VU"

heavy paradise : Which are your influences, Robin?

Robin :  All great Rock, Soul, Blues and Jazz-  Steven Tyler, Steve Perry, Marvin Gaye,Bonnie Raite, Billy Holiday and a thousand others
heavy paradise : House Of Lords is a big chapter in James life and a great band! With their last three albums the guys showed that they have still a lot to offer in this scene! Would you like to share with us if there is going to be a new House Of Lords album in the near future?

Robin :  Yes there is and it will come out early Sept. 2011 on Frontiers Records.  It's a winner!

heavy paradise : That's really great news! Do you want to send a message to your fans Robin?

Robin : Thanks for hanging in there with me.  I could not do this without you, so I do it for you.  I thank you for your support always.Come to tell me your thoughts either at my Facebook  or my website   Get in on the lottery and check the website for upcoming appearances.   Love to all, xxoo  Robin

heavy paradise : At this point I have to thank you for accepting my invitation for this interview and wish you all the best for the future!

Robin :  Thank you too…  Please spread the word about the cd being out and that I will be doing a huge show in Austria that comes out of Germany on April 2nd WILLKOMMEN BEI CARMEN NEBEL ZDF.DE ....

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