Sunday, September 19, 2010

State Of Rock / A Point of Destiny (2010)

The Story : Four years after the last Frontline album 'Circles', time was ripe for State Of Rock, the new band around Frontline guitarist Robby Boebell, Hutch Bauer and Rami Ali, three old Frontline comrades, jumped on board, so the only question left open was: 'who could take the place behind the mics? ' That was when label boss (AOR Heaven) Mr. Georg Siegl pulled the strings and got in contact with Tony Mills.
After only 3 demos it was clear that the chemistry between the two songwritters, Boebell and Mills, was great. Their strengths complemented each other and pushed them to new horizons. It turned out instantly that this new band is about to become something special.
Their debut album, 'A Point Of Destiny', follows the slogan '75% Frontline + 25% Shy= State Of Rock", as it combines the qualities of these two classic acts.
The review: So, as you all have read above this is an album that combines the pure melodic hard rock sound of Frontline and the amazing vocal lines of Mr.Tony Mills. I have to admit that when I first heard about this project/band I was a bit suspicious about the final result because I'm a huge fan of Frontline Stephan Kaemmerer's era and I cannot imagine Frontline with a new singer. But after the first listenings all my doubts were cleared! 'A Point Of Destiny' is a very good melodic hard rock album full of big hooks, great performances and amazing guitars from Mr. Boebell! Bottom line is that this is a very good release for the fans of melodic hard rock sound, Frontline fans and generally for those who like well played hard rock music with attitude!!
HeavyParadise's Rating: 8/10

1. Black & Blue 2. Without My Love 3. Heartless Dreamer 4. Don't Make Me Cry 5. Hanging in the Balance  6. Freedom 7. Count Me Out8. A Point of Destiny 9. Friction 10. Somewhere

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