Saturday, September 25, 2010

MadMax / Welcome America (2010)

Mad Max is a Christian melodic hard rock band that released their first album, 'Mad Max', in 1982. With their first work, they offered a fine example of a 'tight' and ballsy European melodic metal. 'Rollin' Thunder', in 1984, was the band's second album and again was a pretty good one. 'Stormchild' released in 1985 and 'Night Of Passion', their forth official effort, was Mad Max's breakthrough album. An album that was and still is one of the best of that gerne and a big must have for every fan of hard rock!! Twelve years later, the two founding members of Mad Max, Michael Voss and Jergen Breforth, reunite the band and releasing the rather dissapointing effort 'Never Say Never'. We find them again in 2006 with 'Night Of Passion' and this is a welcome back to their melodic hard rock days of the past. 'White Sands' and 'Here We Are' are two of their next releases and both good albums. Nowadays, Mad Max released their brand new album which is titled 'Welcome America'. The title was chosen, according to the booklet, in order to thank the American fans who received the Munich quartet so heartily on her first U.S. visit in 2009 at the Rocklahoma festival. What we have here is an overall good release with catchy choruses and hooks, strong guitar work and a 'clean' production. All this plus a modern direction in their sound and 'Welcome America' maybe isn't the highlight of this year but for sure it's a very enjoyable record that will please the long time fans. 
HeavyParadise's Rating: 7/10

1. Welcome America 2. Big Wheel 3. Someone Not Me 4. All I Ever Want 5. Cherry Moon 6. Pinky Promise 7. Shape of Your Heart 8. Signs 9. Awesome 10. My Heart's Been Waiting 11. This Means Nothin'

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