Wednesday, January 18, 2012


CHAINFIST is a Danish metal band from Slagelse/Copenhagen/Kolding and consists of Jackie Petersen (vocals), Michael Kopietz (guitar), Jesper Heidelbach (drums) and Braca Pedersen (bass). Some of these guys have previously been members of bands like, Infernal Death, Epicenter, Panzerchrist and Frozen Sun.

The album kicks off with the heavy and completely in-your-face "Free Me". It's a kinda of old-school meets 'modern' heavy rocker with thundering guitars and aggressive vocals. "Edge Of The World" comes next and it's a more straight forward track with solid arrangements and a 'catchier' melody! Double kickin' drums, heavy as hell guitars, thrashier in parts, and more up-tempo rhythms in "Evolution". "Be A Man" has a nice groove while it continues in the same heavier paths. "Have You Ever" is, in my humble opinion, the weakest tune here. "Stay" is a very interesting song. It starts slowly with a very emotional and 'dark' melody and, then, somewhere in the song's middle, exploses to a heavy metal thunder! "In Your Face" says it all while "Show Me" hinters some proggy elements. "Clown" is one of the heaviest songs here and "Carpe Diem" is one of my favourite tracks from this album. "Black Out" is an overall good tune and the album closes with the instrumental "Schhwh".

Bottom line is that this is a very interesting release. It's heavy, aggressive, melodic and it has a 'dark' and melancholic vibe in some parts. The musicianship is tight and the band seems to have a bright future if they are going to continue with the same passion. I'm waitin' to listen their up-coming album to make my final conclusions!
HeavyParadise's Rating : 7/10

Track List : 01. Free Me, 02. Edge Of The World, 03. Evolution, 04. Be a Man, 05. Have You Ever, 06. Stay, 07. In Your Face, 08. Show Me, 09. Clown, 10. Carpe Diem, 11. Black Out, 12. Shchwh  

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