Monday, September 6, 2010

Vince Neil : "tattoos and tequilas is a way of life...."

Vince Neil is well known as the lead singer of the legendary band, Motley Crue. Here is a very interesting interview that Neil gave to the

Sonic Shocks: Welcome back to England!
Vince: Thank you!
Sonic Shocks: So, it’s not just an album we are promoting today, but also a book and a tequila brand!
Vince: I had the tequila brand for five years, just getting the word out that it’s out there.
Sonic Shocks: Both your new album and book are entitled “Tattoos and tequila”, was that done to promote your tequila or the other way around?
Vince: (laughs) No, tattoos and tequilas is a way of life! I have lot of tattoos and own two tattoo parlours… It sounded like a good name, one that represents who I am really.
Sonic Shocks: Two tattoos parlours… But you don’t do tattoos, do you?
Vince: No, you don’t want me to do that on anybody!

You can read the rest of the interview here :

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