Monday, September 20, 2010

Bangalore Choir / Cadence (2010)

It has been 18 years since Bangalore Choir's one and only release, 'On Target'. 'On Target' was, and still is, a superb piece of well played U.S. hair metal album full of catchy choruses, cool songwritting, passionate vocals from David Reece and great guitar work. But, unfortunately, the grunge revolution back in the early 90's, ruled the airwaves and bands such as Bangalore Choir (and many others) didn't make it to become big!! So, nowadays, Bangalore Choir is back full force and ready to rock our worlds once again. Ok, don't expect a new 'On Target' No2, that was then and this is now after 18years. 'Cadence' isn't as catchy as the debut was but it's more mature and it rocks hard too! I have to admit that after all these years I was hoping for a 'On Target No2' because their debut is one of my favourite albums which is played regularly in my cd player. But I have to stop saying about the past and focus on this new great album. 'Power Trippin'' is a punchy guitar driven track with some really aggressive vocals from Mr. Reece. A huge hard rockin' tune. 'Martyr ' is a bit more commercial song and one of my favourites from 'Cadence'. 'Tomorrow' starts with some really heavy riffs, big pounding drums and Reece's powerfull vocals. A heavier tune without loosing its melodies. ' Sweet Temptation' is a very good melodic hard rock tune while 'High On the Clouds' and 'Spirits Too the Bleed' are "difficult" tunes but overall nice rockin' songs. Overall this is a very good comeback from Bangalore Choir. Maybe their sound is more updated and harder at parts but for sure this album will please all of their fans that have waited for so long. Well done!
Heavy Paradise's Rating: 8/10

1. Wahzoo City 2. Power Trippin' 3. Martyr 4. Livin' Your Dreams 5. Survival of the Fittest 6. Tomorrow 7. Heart Attack and Vine 8. Still Have a Song To Sing 9. Dig Deep 10. Never Say Goodbye 11. Sweet Temptation 12. High On the Clouds 13. Spirits Too the Bleed 14. Surrender All Your Love

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