Friday, August 17, 2012


"Poison In Black" is the band's fourth release and the second one with the new vocalist Alex 'Ramon' Sonato. The truth is that I've  never heard anything from this band till' now and I have to admit that I liked this album a lot. The mastermind behind this band is the guitarist of the band Nick Savio who is responsible for recording and mastering of "Poison In Black".

"Poison In Black" is a well-crafted melodic power metal album with sharp-guitar riffs, powerfull arrangements, a very good vocalist and some symphonic pinches here and there. Ok, this effort may be not something breathtaking or extraordinary for this scene but it's a damn well-played album that will earn some more fans for Hollow Haze.

"Tears Of Pain", the openinig track, is heavy and in-your-face and reminds me a bit of Priest's earlier works. "Never Turn Back" has a heavy intro-riff and Sonato's 'dark' performances in front row!!! This track has an incredible groove and I can't stop listen to it!!!! "Lords Of War" and "Haunting The Sinner" are both very good power metal tunes while "Hit In Time" starts with a symphonic orchestriation following by  an ultra-heavy metal tune that takes no prisoner!!! Brilliant stuff!! "Chained" is a typical heavy song with a very nice chorus line. "Remorse" is my personal favourite track from this album. It's power, melodic and catchy as hell!! The cover of Sabbath's classic "Headless Cross" is very good too.

All in all, this is a great melodic power metal album!! Great arrangements, powerfull performances, superb guitar work and some amazing you want more? Go out and buy this album....Probably the best melodic power metal album of the year!!!
HeavyParadise's Rating : 8,5/10

Track List :
1. Rise Above2. Tears of Pain3. Never Turn Back4. Haunting the Sinner5. Lords of World6. Hit in Time7. Chained8. Pray for You9. Remorse10. Voodoo Rites11. Snowblind12. Headless Cross (Black Sabbath Cover) 

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