Wednesday, June 29, 2011


HUMAN ZOO are back with their third album which is titled "Eyes Of The Stranger". I have to say that I was anticipated this release 'cause I was impressed by their debut. Their second effort was a good one but, in my humble opinion, not close to the first huge one! For those who are not familiar with the band's sound,  Human Zoo play melodic hard rock in the vain of Gotthard and The Poodles. The thing that make this band unique is the use of the sax which puts a colourful taste to the whole sound.

The album is full of big melodies, great harmonic lines, cool guitar work and up-tempo rhythmic tracks! After a short intro, "The Answer" is the first track which opens the "Eyes Of The Stranger". An up-tempo melodic hard rock tune with a great chorus. "Gimme Your Time" is in the same vibe as the first one, melodic with a very good guitar work. "To The Top" is my personal favourite. It's a huge hard rocking tune and a track that makes you wanna push the repeat button again and again! "Everything Changes" is a really cool track with the sax that is taking the protagonistic role . "Eyes Of The Stranger" is an ok song while "Fall In Love" comes like a fist in your face with its high energy and rhythm! A killer tune! From the rest of the tracks, which are all well-played and solid, the rockin' tune of "10.000 Years Ago" impressed me most!

Bottom line that Human Zoo areback with an album that rocks big time! An album that shows that this scene is alive and kickin' and with albums like this one the melodic hard rock scene has a lot more to offer! If you like big melodies, catchy choruses and great guitar work, then look no further....."Eyes Of The Stranger" is the right album for you!
HeavyParadise's Rating : 8,5/10

TRACK LIST : 01 - Amy & Allison's Memories (intro), 02 - The Answer, 03 - Gimme Your Time, 04 - To The Top, 05 - Everything Changes, 06 - Eyes Of The Stranger, 07 - Fall In Love, 08 - World Behind You, 09 - Hold & Care, 10 - Want It - Love It - Like It, 11 - Welcome To Paradise, 12 - 10.000 Years Ago

1 comment:

  1. Yes, bam bam album......kickass sound!
    Fuckin´great rock album!
