Sunday, February 26, 2012


The Silent Opera project was born in 2007 with the intention to merge the symphonic metal music with visual art, scenical suits and theatrical athmospheres, obtaining original and impressive performances. The band consists of Marco Clari-Rain- (guitars/composer), Ambra Gerussi-Aria-(vocals), Loris Volcizzi-Shadow-(drums) and Andrea Pin-Kabal-(bass).

A year and a half after the release of the demo ( very well accepted by public and critics), the band recorded their debut album "Immortal Beauty". This album has, also, a story which around the entire universe of the group turns, from the scenic (dresses, interpretations and names) to the musical part: the four members of the band are immortal. Each of them has a story behind and this characteristic (to live forever) binds them.

Their music moves somewhere between Nightwish and Lacuna Coil, they have a very good vocalist and the songs are all well-crafted with some excellent moments. The highlights here are the brilliant tune of "Morningstar" with its superb guitar work and Aria's passionate performances, the slower "Farewell", "Always With You" with the addition of some male vocal duties and the self titled track, "The Silent Opera". 

Overall, this is a good album. It has its moments but the lack of originality makes me a bit cautious. They have some very good ideas, a tight musicianship and their strongest point is the guitar work along with Arias vocal performances. I think that this band has a lot more to offer in the near future.
HeavyParadise's Rating : 6,5/10

Track List : 1. Mask Manor, 2. Chapter 7, 3. Morningstar, 4. Lilium, 5. Selene, 6. Farewell, 7. Hidden Lies, 8. Always with You, 9. Introducing the Muse, 10. Your Muse, 11. The Silent Opera

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