For sure, this is the album that the die-hards of the AOR/west-coast scene were waiting for years! For me, the band's debut album is a brilliant album and one of my favourite of this gerne. So, after nine years, the band is back to offer us another well-crafted record full of emotional performances, catchy chorus lines and a tight musicianship. It's an album that achieves to combine the west-coast pop with the 80's AOR sound and, most of all, with a fresh melodic air!
The album starts with the tune of "Perfect World". A rocking track with a 'crispy' guitar sound and the keys in the leading role. A great way to start things up! "Closing Time" is a key-driven song with a more 'hi-tech' sound than the opener. "Ten Lifetimes" is a brilliant track with an inspired melody and a huge guitar work!! "Life's Too Short" is a moodier one while "I Know" is the big surprise of the album! It has a great harmony, a brilliant guitar work and an 80's feeling in it. Great, just great! "Did It For Love" is a mid-tempo AOR anthem with great arrangements, amazing performances and a nice mid-song break guitar solo! My personal favourite track from this album. "From The Start" is a bit boring, imo and "Deceptive Decadence" is another excellent example of pure AOR stuff at it's best! "W2W" brings back a little nerve to the album's sound with its power and aggressivity. "Undeniable" is a mellower track and "As I Walk Alone" moves to the same slower paths.
Overall, this is a quallity album. It's a very emotional release with some brilliant tracks in it. It has melody, great arrangements, passionate performances and a solid production. Even if I'm into some more harder sound, the final result pleased me. It's a perfect album for relaxing and the one that will make your girlfriend happy!!! For the fans of the soft AOR/West-Coast sound, this is a must have! For the rest of you that you want something ballsier, try the new Reckless love or White Widdow album!
The album starts with the tune of "Perfect World". A rocking track with a 'crispy' guitar sound and the keys in the leading role. A great way to start things up! "Closing Time" is a key-driven song with a more 'hi-tech' sound than the opener. "Ten Lifetimes" is a brilliant track with an inspired melody and a huge guitar work!! "Life's Too Short" is a moodier one while "I Know" is the big surprise of the album! It has a great harmony, a brilliant guitar work and an 80's feeling in it. Great, just great! "Did It For Love" is a mid-tempo AOR anthem with great arrangements, amazing performances and a nice mid-song break guitar solo! My personal favourite track from this album. "From The Start" is a bit boring, imo and "Deceptive Decadence" is another excellent example of pure AOR stuff at it's best! "W2W" brings back a little nerve to the album's sound with its power and aggressivity. "Undeniable" is a mellower track and "As I Walk Alone" moves to the same slower paths.

HeavyParadise's Rating : 8/ 10
Sicuramente un bell'album di hard rock aor, ma, secondo me, inferiore al precedente per incisività e compostezza. Il lavoro in questione, nonostante le belle melodie nelle composizioni dei singoli brani, risulta a tratti monotono e sfiora, secondo me, a volte la noia; la voce stessa, che nel precedente lavoro era un punto di forza, qui sembra a tratti smorta e priva di qualsivoglia entusiasmo; certo nel precedente i cantanti erano due e si alternavano i quasi tutti i brani, ma forse proprio per questo senso di competizione le canzoni risultavano più dense ed efficaci, cosa che in quest'ultimo album non accade quasi mai.
ReplyDeleteUn bell'album per carità, sicuramente farà la felicità degli amanti del genere, ma personalmente non mi ha appassionato e, ad un primo ascolto, lo relego tra le seconde scelte e solo perché conosco già il precedente lavoro.
Di: inquietudinedikobal