Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Musically they draw on influences such as Giant, Toto, Foreigner and Yes to name a few, but still keeping their own personal sound and musical identity intact. Strong melodies, well crafted songs and catchy vocal arrangements are their trademark.

The band was originally named Orange Crush and was formed in Los Angeles in 1999, while the members where studying music at the Musicians Institute. The founding members Johannes Stole (vocals) and Daniel Palmqvist (guitar) later returned to their home countries of Norway and Sweden and continued collaborating on various projects in between their other engagements. Johannes is a sought after session singer/artist in Oslo, Norway and has released a critically acclaimed album with progressive rock band P:O:B. Daniel has released a well received instrumental solo album and is also the guitarist for the band The Murder Of My Sweet.

Now they have once again teamed up with their long time friend, producer/drummer Daniel Flores to record their debut album which promises to put the band on the radar of all the classic Melodic Rock fans! You will certainly hear more from these guys!

XORIGIN are : Johannes Stole – vocals, keyboards / Daniel Palmqvist - guitars
Euro Release date: 26.08.2011

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