Thursday, July 7, 2011


RUBICON CROSS is the result of the collaboration between Firehouse's lead singer CJ Snare and guitarist Chris Green (Pride, Furyon). The sound of this EP can be described as a great mix between Firehouse's newer works with a harder edge. CJ Snare's voice is on top form and the guitar work is solid. The production is overall good and the final result will please every single fan of hard rock but, also, the fans of Firehouse as well..

"Movin' On" is the opening track here. It starts slowely with an acoustic guitar and CJ's powerfull vocals and then comes the real thing; a more aggressive sound, some bad attitude guitar riffing and a huge chorus line! A really impressive tune and a great appetizer of what's coming next. "Next Worst Enemy" is heavier, groovier and a kinda of modern hard rock tune but with, again, a huge chorus and CJ Snare's amazing performance. "R U Angry" is a killer track! It has a darker vibe and reminds the newer Firehouse works. The guitar sound is brilliant! "Shine" is the song that closes this EP. It's an acoustic tune filled with Snare's emotional vocal duties.

All in all, this EP is for sure a huge sample of what this band has to offer to us in the near future. Great tunes with all the power, energy and emotions plus a very good production and there you have this wonderfull EP. Well done!
HeavyParadise's Rating : 9/10

TRACK LIST :  Movin' On, Next Worst Enemy, R U Angry,  Shine

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