Monday, February 21, 2011


Michael Monroe is is a Finnish rock musician, and multi-instrumentalist who rose to fame as the lead vocalist for the glam-rock heroes HANOI ROCKS, and has served as the lead frontman for all-star side projects, such as Demolition 23 , Jerusalem Slim with guitar hero Steve Stevens (Billy Idol) but, also as a solo artist. 2011 is the year that Michael Monroe is back with a new album. Below you are going to read an interview that Michael Monroe gave to Heavy Paradise and talked about everything.
Heavy Paradise : Hello Michael. Firstly, I would like to welcome you here in Heavy Paradise for this interview!

Michael Monroe: Hello and thank you.

Heavy Paradise : I have to admit that the band's line-up is impressive! Was it difficult to find the members of your band?

Michael Monroe : Actually it wasn't that difficult. The whole band came together quite naturally over a period of time.

Heavy Paradise : So, we are talkin' about a real band and not for a one album band?

Michael Monroe : We're talkin' about a real band.

Heavy Paradise : A new single, "78", and a new album later this year, "Sensory Overdrive" . Would you like to tell me some things about the new album?

Michael Monroe : I'm very happy and proud about the album. It's a perfect Rock'n'Roll record with a great combination of songs with cool and smart lyrics and a killer band.

Heavy Paradise : Can you give our readers a taste of how this album will sound like?

Michael Monroe : It sounds like a proper authentic "in your face", punky, energetic & melodic Rock album. "'78" is a little taste of it and I would just rather let the music do the rest of the talking.
Heavy Paradise : Let me take you back to the Hanoi Rocks era. A big chapter in your career! Do you think that Hanoi Rocks put their mark with their music in the Rock N Roll world?

Michael Monroe : Apparently so, according to a lot of people...

Heavy Paradise : Is there any chance to see Hanoi Rocks back again?

Michael Monroe : Hardly.

Heavy Paradise : Which is your favourite Hanoi Rocks album?

Michael Monroe : From the original Hanoi Rocks in the 80's "Two Steps From The Move". From the "rebirth"- period 2003-2008 "Twelve Shots On The Rocks"( the remixed version with 14 tracks +3 xtra bonus trax).

Heavy Paradise : Is there any album, from Hanoi Rocks or your solo career that you wished you've never released?

Michael Monroe : From my solo career the "Jerusalem Slim" album.
Heavy Paradise : What are your inspirations when you are writing a new song?

Michael Monroe :  Anything I see or hear. And sharing ideas with others when collaborating, which is my favorite situation when writing.

Heavy Paradise : You are an artist that lived back in the glory days of this scene. What are you missing from those days back then?

Michael Monroe : Nothing that much. I'd rather live in this moment and work towards the future.

Heavy Paradise : If you had the chance to go back and change some things from your past which would they be and why?

Michael Monroe : I've done things to the best of my ability and knowledge at the time so there's no point going back to the past, especially since it cannot be changed.

Heavy Paradise : You come from Finland. Was it hard for you to begin a music career back then? How do you see the music scene in Finland nowadays?

Michael Monroe : Well, it wasn't easy starting out in Finland at the time and I did pretty much give up everything for my career. Nowadays it might be a bit easier since things have changed a lot in Finland. Then again it's never that "easy" in this business, no matter what. It does take a lot of work.
Heavy Paradise : Is there any new band that impresses you most?

Michael Monroe : There's a lot of cool new stuff out there, but no particular new band that impresses me that much more than the bands I already know and like from the past.

Heavy Paradise : What are your influences Michael?

Michael Monroe : Little Richard, Chuck Berry, Rolling Stones, Alice Cooper, Ramones, Dead Boys, Stiv Bators, AC/DC(the Bon Scott period) Nazareth, Cheap Trick, Mott The Hoople, Ian Hunter, Faces, Johnny Thunders, Iggy Pop, Slade, Aerosmith, The Ruts, Damned, Sex Pistols, UK Subs, Little Steven ("Voice Of America"- album), The Heavy Metal Kids, Gary Holton, The Undisputed Truth, Creedence Clearwater Revival, John Fogerty, Little Walter, ZZ Top...and the list goes on.

Heavy Paradise : I guess that you are going to perform live to promote your new album. Is there any chance to see you in Greece?

Michael Monroe :  I certainly hope so! I've never been to Greece and I would love to come and play over there!

Heavy Paradise : Any message to your fans Michael?

Michael Monroe : Thank you all so much for your continuing support. Please get a hold of the "Sensory Overdrive" album as soon as possible - I'm sure you're gonna love it! Hope to be playing live soon at a venue near you! All the best wishes from me and the band!

Heavy Paradise : It was a great pleasure talkin' with you Michael. I wish you all the best for the future.

Michael Monroe : A great pleasure talkin' with you too. Thank You. Kindest regards, *Michael Monroe*


  1. Oh, I love this!! I love michael monroe!

  2. Thanks! Mike is my idol and this is great interview!!:)
