Friday, November 12, 2010


CAGE will play 2 more shows in San Diego this year and will be locked inside the studio writing and recording their next cd release.  7 songs are already recorded and 4 of them are previewed on the new DVD.  A title has been  chosen for the new cd but will not be revealed until Spring 2011 prior to its’ 2nd quarter scheduled worldwide release.

Marc Sasso will once again being doing the cover art. It can also be revealed that plans for the 7th CAGE cd release , including music and topical direction are well underway and will find its’ way to the shelves in 2012!  The DVD is finaly done!  It is packed full of material and is a 2 disc set!  The release date has not been set as several companies have expressed interest in releasing it so those negotiations have delayed things a bit.

We cannot wait for it to come out because it kicks so much ass!  As with all CAGE products it is over the top and barely fits on 2 DVD discs!  We kept packing stuff into it until the seams were bursting and the producer said it could not take any more!  Once the deal has been signed a full press release will come out detailing all of its contents!

We hope to slam this out quick so our fans who have been asking for it can get their hands on it. CAGE has never been stronger and we expect to tour Europe, the Midwest US, the East Coast US, Alaska,Texas and maybe South America and Mexico in 2011. Hails to you all and please stay in contact with us with at this site and our other sites as well!

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