Sunday, November 29, 2009

Tuff / What Comes Around Goes Around (1991)

Very good sleaze/glam metal band. They looked like Poison and Motley Crue with a familiar sound. A lot of attitued and a  raw heavy at moments sound makes this album a must have for every glam-sleaze fan. "Lonely Lucy" is one of the definitive glam-sleaze tracks of the eightes. Other highlights of the album are the opener track "Ruck a Pitt Bridge " and the fantastic ballad "Wake Me Up ".Overall a good fun/party rock n' roll album. Buy it!!!!8,5/10
Tracks 1. Ruck a Pitt Bridge 2. The All New Generation 3. I Hate Kissing You Good-Bye 4. Lonely Lucy
5. Ain't Worth a Dime 6. So Many Seasons 7. Forever Yours 8. Wake Me Up 9. Spit Like This 10. Good Guys Wear Black

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