Sunday, January 9, 2011

Interview with Mitch Malloy.

Mitch Malloy is a singer, guitarist, an award winning songwriter, and a producer mix and mastering engineer. His debut album was and still is a classic AOR release and featured session musicians such as Mickey Curry, Hugh McDonald and Michael Thompson. "Anything At All", was a top 20 rock charting hit and a pop hit in the U.S.
Below you are going to read the interview that Mitch Malloy gave to Heavy Paradise and talked about his classic debut album, his future plans and some other interesting things. Enjoy....
heavy paradise : Hello Mitch, it's really a great pleasure to have you here in Heavy Paradise for this interview!  Firstly, I would like to ask you what are the latest news from Mitch Malloy?

M.M. : I'm writing and recording new music. Working on a band project that is exciting and a challenge. Where I am just a piece of the puzzle and not the only main character. I have always wanted to do a band record like that where it's not all on my shoulders and I'm doing that now.
The music is heavier than it would be if it was a Mitch Malloy cd. I grew up on all sorts of music and some of my first influences were hard rock bands. I haven't really gotten to represent that influence much in my music. Till now.

heavy paradise : Looking back, you have released some very interesting albums. In my humble opinion, your self-titled album is a classic melodic rock album and till' now receives great reviews. How do you feel about that?

M.M. : Feels good. I put a lot into that record and I'm glad people like it. I will say though that it is the heaviest marketed record I have done. It had a major corporation behind it (BMG) and a lot of money was spent promoting it. Therefore it is the record that was the most heard. So it's no surprise that it is also the most talked about.

heavy paradise : Back then you had a record deal with RCA. Your "Faith" album, which was released in 2008 was the first that was released independently? Can you tell me some things about that? How difficult is for a musician/band to get a record deal nowadays?

M.M. : Actually the Shine record in 2000 was the first to be released independently. Getting a record deal has always been hard. And the business has changed a lot.

heavy paradise : If you had to pick your favourite album from all your releases which would that be and why?

M.M.: The first record most likely it has the most power and there were many very talented people around me helping to make it what it was. When you are on a major label you have their support in getting very good people around you.
That really can help if you choose the right ones. I think we chose the right ones. And it shows on that record. I cannot take all the credit for these records. Even though mine is the only name on the cover and it might be mostly my vision it is clearly not just me that is represented in the music.
heavy paradise : I dare to say that between your debut album and "Faith" there are some major musical differences! Do you think that Mitch Malloy is more mature, nowadays, than 16 years ago?

M.M. : I have always been pretty mature. Older than my years. But yes as we all get older we become more mature. I would hope anyway.

heavy paradise : In 2009, you have released an excellent DVD from your Firefest performances! Do you want to share your experiences from this live performance?

M.M. : Well I'm very proud of that. And I hope to do more of it.

heavy paradise : What are Mitch Malloy's influences?

M.M. : Just singers and writers and players and bands that are real and have soul. And that reach me and speak to my soul. Some are very famous and some are almost completely unknown.
One of my favorite singer songwriters I have ever heard is a person who is a friend of mine in Nashville. You never know what's going to inspire you musically.

heavy paradise : If you had the chance to change some things from the past, let's say if you had a time machine (haha), which would that be?

M.M. : Actually I wouldn't change anything.
heavy paradise : Which are your inspirations when you are writting new songs?

M.M. : Whatever is in front of me. Or inside. You never know where inspiration will come from. You just have to hope it comes and be open to it.

heavy paradise : If you were abandoned in a desert island, which were the things that you would you take with you ?

M.M. : A scissors to cut off all my hair? :&>;) It's hard to know because thinking about that and actually having to go through it are two different things.
I'm sure if it was really going to happen my choices would be different than if I was just thinking about it. It could be the best thing that ever happened to a person lol.

heavy paradise : So, are you going to perform live in 2011? Is there any chance to see you someday performing live in Greece?

M.M. : I'm not sure if I'm coming over but I have never even been to Greece so make it happen. I would love to come.

heavy paradise : What are your future plans?

M.M. : I'm writing and recording music. And taking care of my family.

heavy paradise : Thanx a lot Mitch for this interview, I wish you all the best for the future!

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