Thursday, January 13, 2011

Interview with Henrik Sproge of Miss Behaviour.

The story of Miss Behaviour goes back to 2003, when keyboard player Henrik Sproge and guitarist Erik Heikne were both studying Music Management at the Baltic Business School in Kalmar, Sweden. Both shared a great passion for 80s Melodic Hard Rock and AOR, and their vision was to have their own Rock band inspired by the great bands of the Eighties while adding a fresh and modern twist to their sound.

Following the release of “Heart Of Midwinter” the band went through a series of personnel changes in search for the perfect line-up with each member fully dedicated to bring the band forward and to record of a cracking follow-up album.
Ultimately the duo of Sebastian Roos and Anders Berlin, both of the band Shineth, joined Henrik and Erik as the new lead vocalist and drummer respectively. Both are extremely skilled and ambitious musicians sharing the same vision as the two Miss Behaviour founders. Sebastian already contributed to the backing vocals and the choir arrangements on the “Heart Of Midwinter” album, while Anders played in bands like Eclipse and Narnia.
Last Woman Standing”, Miss Behaviour's new effort, is a Melodic Rock and AOR album of the highest order and a state-of-the-art sound experience courtesy of the carefully handled production and the top notch Mastering by Thomas Eberger at Stockholm Mastering.
Below you are going to read the interview that Henrik Sproge gave to heavy paradise and talked about everything!! Enjoy!
heavy paradise : Hello Henrik. I want to thank you for accepting my invitation for this interview.

H. S. : Thank you very much but the pleasure is all mine!

heavy paradise : Do you want to tell our readers some things about who Miss Behaviour is?

H. S. :  We are very melodic rock/metal band with strong AOR influences. We have a typical 80’s sound huge keyboards, swirling guitar solos, massive vocal arrangements and catchy melodies.
The band was originally formed by me and the guitarist Erik Heikne while we were studying music management together at Baltic business school. We released our first album “Heart of Midwinter” 2006 and since then we’ve changed the line-up completely and recruited Anders Berlin on drums and Sebastian Roos for bass and lead vocals. Both Anders and Sebastian are great guys and amazing musicians.

heavy paradise : How did you come up with the name of 'Miss Behaviour' ? Whose idea was it?
H. S.Haha, we have actually been asked this quite frequently and I’m sorry to say that there isn’t any great story behind the name.
Erik and I were both terribly bored at a lecture one day and we started writing down name suggestions instead of focusing on school work. I wrote down “Miss Behaviour” and passed the paper over the Erik and he liked it. Since that day and that boring lecture, we’ve been Miss Behaviour!

 heavy paradise : So, your brand new album, "Last Woman Standing", is ready to be released! Could you tell me a few words about your new release?

H. S. : Before we started recording this album we made a promise to ourselves that we should work fast in the studio and don’t let it take too long time to complete.
Once we began recording the production became a monster who ruled our lives for 2 years. A lot of things happened on the way and we’ve spent hundreds of hours recording and mixing “Last Woman Standing”. Now when we see the result we know that is was worth it. I am very proud of this album because the final result is so much better than what I expected.

heavy paradise : A new lead singer, drumer, record company and, in my opinion, a more updated sound! Is it a new beggining for the band? How do you feel about that?

H. S. :   Recording our first album “Heart of Midwinter” was like going through puberty again. We weren’t really sure what was going on and what we were supposed to do, it was fun and a bit frightening at the same time.
This time when we began recording “Last Woman Standing” we knew what we wanted to achieve, so we just went for it, and that’s why we had to bring in Sebastian and Anders. We have grown up quite a bit and it is for sure a new beginning!

heavy paradise : Avenue Of Allies is a growing record label with some really 'killer' releases. Miss Behaviour is the new big 'gun' of Avenue Of Allies?

H.S. :  I agree with you that it is an interesting label with great releases. The reason we choose Avenue of Allies was because they are really doing serious promotion which isn’t the case at many smaller labels now days.
Gregor Klee is also a great person to work with and there’s no doubt that he is serious and knows what he’s doing. He’s the one you should ask which band is the “big gun”, haha
heavy paradise : In "Last Woman Standing" appears, as a guest musician, Masterplan's guitarist Roland Grapow. How did it come up this guest appearance?

H. S. :    A lot of people are curious about this and asks how we got him to do a solo for us. The answer; we wrote an e-mail and asked him! It was very easy.
Both me and Erik are huge fans of Roland and he was an obvious choice for us. I remember when we were watching Helloween’s “High Live” on VHS and how we got completely blown away by Rolands solos in the song “The Chance”. He is a legend!

heavy paradise : The album is about to be released on January 28th. Is it going to be a release party then?

H. S. :    Oh yes, we’re planning to have party with lots of beer and fairly naked women but we haven’t set a date yet. It should be fun though!!

heavy paradise : What are your influences?

H. S. :  My personal favorite bands are Magnum, Journey and Foreigner but when it comes to songwriting I’m also a huge fan Phil Collins who is a great inspiration. Erik and Sebastian have a bizarre passion for Yngwie Malmsteen. Sometimes they dress up in typical Yngwie clothing and arrange their won Yngwie-nights when they only listen to Malmssten. Really weird !!

heavy paradise : From your 'friends' in Avenue Of Allies who do you like the most?

H. S. :     Ouch, that’s a tough question! I can’t say that I’ve heard a bad release on AOA yet but my favorite right now is probably Shining Line!

heavy paradise : Tell me the first thing that comes in your mind for these words..

FAITH:  A great subject for writing lyrics!
SUCCESS:  Vacation.
LOVE:  Sex!
POWER:  Metal!
MISS BEHAVIOUR:  My musical playground.

heavy paradise : Thank you Henrik for sharing these things with Heavy Paradise!


  1. Nice interview and of course nice man (I'm talking about Henrik !). Your blogzine is growing and it's becoming one of my fav' places to take news from Hard'-Metal' bands ;) Take care, Mr.Guitarman ! :)

  2. Thanx a lot for your kind words Axl!!!! You rock!!!!!
