Saturday, September 4, 2010 Michael Kiske

"Hi Folks!

Having done my first live shows after almost 17 years I'd like to say that I was really thrilled about still having many friends out there after such a long time. Some people even came from Russia just for our freaking warm up shows, another guy came from Turkey! That's unbelievable. I am deeply honoured and moved by this and don't take any of it for granted. My voice was not half way where I want it to be in terms of condition for live situations, this always needs some time, especially after so many years, but on most songs I did well and the audience was great. It was very important for me to do this and to have new face to face contact with you people again after isolating myself for a long time. In Sweden it was extremely cool to see how welcome UNISONIC was and how many autographs we had to give afterwards. And it was not only Keeper or Place Vendome CDs I had to sign; every second CD seemed to be one of my solo CDs. I didn't expect that. –
I have been quite harsh on the metal-scene over some time and was pretty pissed about it, because I can't deal with certain things in it, and that might have made me be a bit unfair occasionally, but that wasn't for very long. And meeting many of you fans now again has helped me to adjust even more now. I don't hate all metal, I just hate morally wrong ideologies which are circulating within the metal-scene and I don't accept any sort of art-slavery. But I still like rock music, yes, even some of my favourite metal-records of my youth, because most of them are simply great rock records. In many ways the music wasn't really the problem. My problem was, is and will always be the satanic sickness that is so common in the scene. I have NO understanding for inhumanity and heartlessness glorifying people and fascistic mentalities. I believe in good-hearted humans, love and understanding, and that free and honest music is the only law for a healthy and true music-culture. What I have criticized about the metal-scene was and is very just, but to each its own of course. I will always speak my mind. My spiritual, moral and artistic convictions haven't changed a bit, but I am a lot more relaxed now and if I went too far sometimes in the past, I am sorry, I don't want to be unfair at all. Not all metal fans are Ignorants or Satanists, I never really thought that anyway. I have actually met only cool, good-hearted and intelligent metal and rock-fans on this very short “Tour”. Some even seem to understand my way of thinking, when we talked. They were much more open minded and friendly than I thought, and if that would be representative for the majority, I'd be very happy. I wanted to get these words out to you guys while all is still fresh. -
Love and Peace!

See you sometime!
Michael Kiske"

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