Saturday, November 28, 2009

UNION / The Blue Room (1999)

This album rocks!Union is composed of Bruce Kulick (Ex-Kiss) and John Corabi (ex-Motley Crue). The sound reminds a bit of Kiss (Carnival Of Souls) and in some parts Motley Crue's self titled album with J. Corabi on lead vocals. "Do your Own Thing " is a damn fine rocker with a catchy chorus. "Everything's Alright" & "Who Do You Think You Are " are great hard rockin' tunes!"Dear Friend" is a tribute to deceased Kiss drummer Eric Carr. Very emotional !The only low point of the album is the...booklet, very cheap, no lyrics.....or any info about the band. A good hard rock album.7,5/10
Tracks 1. Do Your Own Thing 2. Dead 3. Everything's Alright 4. Shine 5. Who Do You Think You Are? 6. Dear Friend 7. Do You Know My Name? 8. Hypnotized 9. I Wanna Be 10. No More

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